I’m about to debunk all you thought you knew about fat loss, so hold on to your thighs.
MYTH: Eating fat makes you fat.
MYTH: Eating fat makes your cholesterol high.
MYTH: Eating fat causes diabetes.
MYTH: Eating fat causes heart disease.
Guess what? You should include GOOD, HEALTHY FATS into every meal. What are these?
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Avocado Oil, Organic Grass Fed Butter (or Ghee), Avocados, ¼ c Nuts and/or Seeds, Whole Organic Pasture Raised Eggs, Organic Grass Fed Meat, Fatty Fish (Wild Salmon, Sardines), Organic Coconut Milk, Organic Almond Milk
So what causes all of those epidemics listed above? Sugar and Carbohydrates.
Put down your fat free pretzels, fat free red vines and diet coke and pick up an Avocado.
Yes, fats have more calories per gram than proteins or carbohydrates so don’t go organic hog wild on the nuts.
Just watch your portions and choose your fats wisely.