Stubborn Fat?

Stubborn Fat?

Your Stubborn Fat may not even be fat.  Say what??

Eating high inflammatory foods can cause constant bloating that may LOOK a lot like fat but can be banished by a few small dietary changes.  Eliminate the following culprits and follow these few simple tips and you just may see the transformation quicker than you can spell inflammation!

TIPS to Banish the Bloat:

Eat Smaller Portions

CHEW Your Food…WELL!

Avoid Salt

Hydrate before and after meals

Take a Food Sensitivity Test

Avoid Carbonation

Avoid Sugar Alcohols (Artificial Sweeteners)

Take Digestive Enzymes- this helps SO much!  A link to my fav below…



High Fructose Corn Syrup

Vegetable & Seed Oils (Soybean, Grapesee, Safflower Seed)

Refined Carbohydrates


Processed Meats