27 Apr It’s Ok To Be Fruity
Are those bananas in your fruit bowl “for the kids” because well, eating a banana would be like eating a chocolate chip cookie and you wouldn’t dare…HAULT! Let me clear up some very common confusion and fear surrounding fruit. I’ll start by admitting that I have posted about limiting fruit intake in order to limit your sugar intake. This is true but it’s not really that simple. And speaking of “simple”, SIMPLE sugars are what will really getcha. Table sugars, those conventional chocolate chip cookies and other sweets will most definitely create a spike in your blood sugar, insulin levels will rise, etc. etc. you will begin storing a little fat. HOWEVER, fruit, albeit is made of Fructose, is a natural sugar and it will affect your blood sugar levels at a much slower rate allowing your body to break them down more efficiently and not just directly store them as fat. The WHY is very important though….the reason for this comes down to the FIBER in the fruit. The fiber offsets the sugars in a way that slows it’s digestion. This is exactly why I will ALWAYS recommend a healthy smoothie packed with veggies, proteins, clean fats and if you want…FRUIT. It’s also why I’m ok with you grabbing a Fuji apple at 3pm (even better if you add a little unsweetened Almond Butter for an even slower blood sugar rise with the fat/protein combo and it will keep you fuller longer). It’s ALSO why I am NOT, I repeat NOT a fan of juicing or fruit juices. Yes, they are trendy, yes a green juice looks really cool and yes many swear by them. However, once you pull out all of the fiber, you are left with straight fructose and a quick blood sugar spike. Bottom line, whole fruits are more beneficial to your health than juiced fruits and they are packed with nutrients & fiber. Two of my favorite things (embarrassing, yes). So, it’s ok…be a little fruity! They are nature’s sweets!
PS- Berries are my fav pick for their low glycemic values, high antioxidant and fiber counts!
Adding about 1/4 cup blueberries to smoothies is a weekly practice in my house or even 1/2 – 1 banana if I’m craving it. Stop the madness, don’t be scared!