Kids and Teens



Confession time!


Have you ever been driving to the market to quickly grab your beloved protein bar while on the phone making an appointment with your esthetician and simultaneously threw a bag of goldfish to the backseat to stop the whining?  Or something of the like?


OR, have you caught your teenager daughter sucking in her stomach while taking a selfie or living on strawberries before a dance OR noticed she’s gaining some unhealthy weight while studying for finals but you would NEVER  say anything because you don’t want to plant any ideas that might trigger an eating disorder?


We do SO much.  We really do.  Without even realizing it, we are making sure we don’t miss pilates, checking labels for ourselves and then just to keep the sanity, we are taking the easy route with the kids.  HCTS gets it.  We SO get it.  First of all, we don’t have time, second, we want to allow our kids to be kids and enjoy High School without worrying about food.  Right?  Sorry…WRONG! We know they are your sunshine, your everything.  Giving them a healthy start is literally the best thing you can do.  There IS an answer for all of these scenarios.  It can start before sunrise tomorrow.