12 Jul Sweet Baby of Mine
Much like telling your toddler not to put his finger in the electrical socket, so too will the repercussions of keeping your child banned from sugar surely surface. Most conscious parents have a pretty good successful year with their first born. That smash cake at the birthday party is so much fun because they want to see what their innocent baby will do with their first taste of pure sweetness. Fast forward to kid #2 and all hell’s broken loose. You’re throwing lollipops at them on airplanes, cupcakes to get through a shopping spree and before you know it, you realize things are spinning out of control and your kids are ruling their own diets. This is totally OK! It’s NORMAL. However, you can do better and regain the control.
When it comes to sugar, try really hard not to make it a reward. I know this is tough but having it on a pedestal will just make them want it more and by the time they are out on playdates they will just be raiding your friend’s pantry. They will find it. They are little savages.
Here’s what you CAN do….instead of offering it only if they finish a meal, give them a choice as to whether they want their dessert with lunch or with dinner and then work it in. YES, work it into the meal. Dark Chocolate Yogurt Dip or Nutella with Apple Slices, Vanilla and Honey Yogurt with Mini Chocolate Chips, Sprinkles on Cream Cheese to put on their Protein Pancake. You are working it in with other nutritious foods and basically forcing them to eat the good with the bad if you will.
Finally, just as we do this for ourselves, opt to find lower sugar options for their favorite treats. Whole fruit popsicles are an amazing alternative to the standard and so many kids like Dark Chocolate just as much as Milk Chocolate.
In summary, don’t sweat it if your kids have sugar. The trick for children is moderation and not deprivation. I want to set them up for emotional success as they age around temptations and we can do that by creating good habits now.