08 Sep Botoxoversy
When asked about being a “Holistic” health coach, I am often asked whether or not a “natural” approach to skincare means nixing all modern day skin treatments, chemical peels, plastic surgery and injections. Here’s the real…when you look up the word, the definition of Holistic is characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.
I treat mind, body and your overall wellbeing which greatly includes confidence. When we talk about skincare, I want you to choose the cleanest products possible, eliminating as many harsh chemicals or potential harmful additives as you can while still attaining the benefits you desire. I simply challenge you to do the research and at least KNOW what you are putting into your body whether that be from food, cosmetics or injections. I have a lot of very clean products on my site that I recommend. It’s on you to make a true educated decision and hopefully balance your routine to the best of your abilities.
The truth is that true confidence in the way you look and feel is SO important for an overall holistic wellbeing. SO, with all of that said, if injecting some Clostridium Botulinum into your forehead makes you feel better every time that you look in the mirror or getting plastic surgery to “fix” a part of yourself that bothers you every day, NO judgements here. Just make sure you go to a trusted practitioner, know ALL of your risks and then act accordingly. We have so many options at our fingertips these days which can be overwhelming and we all make decisions that suit our lifestyles best.
Botox is one of the most common skincare treatments on the market today. As of now (and I stress, as of now), research is proving to be in favor of the drug with minimal reported issues, side effects or long term reactions. However, it is still fairly new (practice began in the 80s) so time will tell. If science starts dictating otherwise, you better believe I will recommend we all stay away. Botox blocks signals from your nerves to your muscles so that they stop contracting and thus reducing wrinkles from forming. Sounds incredible, yes? I recommend going to a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you choose to inject.
I’ll end by reminding you that the BEST thing you can do is treat the inside of your body as cleanly as possible by incorporating healthy skin boosting foods! The science proving THIS is remarkable!!