02 Nov Carb Cycling
Contrary to what the name suggests, eating a bagel while on the Peloton is not exactly “Carb Cycling”. This diet is based on the notion that you should eat low carb foods for 3 days, then have a really high carb day, then switch back. It suggests that our bodies will lose weight and gain muscle quicker if we swap between fat burning and carb burning for energy. Yes, it sounds super fun to be given the green light to eat pasta and sourdough all day and have a couple “cheat” days. As such, it’s not surprising that the diet has been gaining popularity, but don’t go crushing carbs until you read this.
The Carb Cycling protocol was developed in order to support High Intensity workouts so that the body could burn fat on low carb days and then switch to burning Glucose (carbs) on tough workout days. The theory suggests then, that we will burn more during exercise if we workout with carbs in our bloodstream. I beg to differ.
Eating a low carb, protein, veggie & healthy fat diet can sustain most people’s lifestyles and this includes those that workout heavily. When we begin to run out of fuel during a tough exercise, our bodies will start tapping into fat storage to use as energy. We can stay in this zone and perform really well during intense exercise as long as we are re-fueling with healthy fats. If these fats (avocados, olive/coconut/avocado oils, raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, etc.) are incorporated into every meal along with healthy vegetables, greens and proteins, your blood sugar will remain stable and you should be able to tackle any HIIT class.
If you are training for say, an Ironman or a Mega-Marathon, I understand the need for some extra calories. However, even professional athletes will attest that our bodies do NOT require CARBS in order to be fit. In fact, our bodies don’t actually “NEED” carbs at all and this lifestyle will most likely backfire unless you are working out super hard. Once we eat carbs, they convert to sugar and we flip that insulin switch…we (me included!) will just want more and more. Ever grab a fry thinking you’ll just have one and before you know it, you’ve housed them all? Ever do that with broccoli? Not likely. Carbs have an addictive pull on us! If you do want to incorporate some carbohydrates into your diet, I’m all for it. I never want anyone to feel deprived. Just opt for the healthy ones that are lower on the Glycemic Index so you don’t throw your Insulin into a tailspin. Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, Fruits and Beans are great options.
Bottom line..if you do want to try this way of eating, make sure you are working out extra hard on the carb days and that the carbs you are choosing are healthy, whole, quality foods!