28 Jun Drink It
WATER! You know you are supposed to drink a lot of it but there’s so much hoopla out there about plain ‘ol water that it’s not really worth your energy. Well, it actually determines your energy sooo…
It’s so simple…our bodies are super smart. If you are thirsty, you are dehydrated.
Don’t chug your entire daily intake all at once. Slowly drink water ALL day long. If you drink too much too quickly, you will not properly absorb it and just urinate it out quicker. Thus furthering dehydration. So yes, those nights of getting home after too many cocktails and pounding water weren’t really serving you. You’ll need to drunkingly calm your butt down and slowly sip.
More Fun Facts:
Room temp is better because the cold water will require your body to use energy to warm it which takes away from energy better spent on digestion.
Limit drinking your water while eating because it will dilute your digestive enzymes and could lead to slower digestion or stomach upset.
Your grandma was on point: If you have a fever it’s actually best to skip food and drink larger amounts of water to help regulate your body temperature.
Ok, so how much do I REALLY need?
Well, According to the The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy, these are the recommended amounts we should be drinking. Measure it once so you can eye ball it from there on and then aim to get at least your requirement each day.
Men: 13 cups (about 10.5 cups from beverages)
Women: 9 cups (about 7 cups from beverages)
Pregnant women: 10 cups (about 8 cups from beverages)
Breastfeeding women: 13 cups (about 10.5 cups from beverages)
If I haven’t sold you yet…put down your juices and sodas and read some more benefits of water:
- Improves Digestion including Constipation
- It hydrates your skin to keep it glowing
- It regulates blood pressure
- Curb hunger (if you are craving salty you may actually JUST be thirsty)
- It is linked to better sleep
- Relieves and prevents headaches
- Helps our bodies absorb nutrients and minerals
That’s it for now…Cheers!