28 Jun Ectro Your Life
I will never stop preaching the benefits that water has for us. Even better if you add fresh lemon juice for a little detoxification and Vitamin C. However, there ARE times when plain ‘ol water just won’t cut it and can leave you with cramps, feeling lightheaded or nauseous.
You need more if you sweat a lot while working out or are outside for a prolonged period of time in the heat. Double whammy if you are running or working out outside. This is where electrolytes come in. Sodium and potassium are to help replace sweat electrolyte losses, and sodium also helps to stimulate thirst. However, stop with the sports drinks!!!! I’ll repeat: Put down the Gatorade, the PowerAde, the Vitamin Water. There is so much hidden sugar (or artificial sugar) in so many of these and the like.
My favorite sugar free electrolyte replacement is by LMNT.
The plain just tastes salty so if you like that, go for it. I prefer the flavors. Warning though, they are strong so put a little in you water bottle all day long to balance your levels after a sweat sesh and stay hydrated!
BONUS: If you are subject to craving a lot of salty foods, your body may just be begging for some sodium or more hydration. I know it sounds crazy, but if you make electrolytes part of your routine, those pretzels may just stop screaming your name!