28 Jun EGGcellent Eggs
Eggs…You can beat ‘em but you best be eating them!
Eggs can be an incredible source of nutrients but they can also be a little confusing to buy with all of the colors and package verbiage…here’s a little light:
Eat the WHOLE egg.
With 1g Carb, 6g Protein, 0g TransFat and 5g Good Fat to keep your blood
Sugar stable, Eggs are one of Nature’s incredible multivitamins and the YOLK is packed with tons of micronutrients including Lutein (for eyes and hearts), Choline (brain development), Iron, Zinc, Folate, Vit A, Vit B2, Vit B12, Riboflavin, Biotin, Sulfur, Copper AND they are one of the few foods that contain natural Vitamin D.
“EGGCELLENT…what about all the cholesterol?”
Cholesterol is a waxy substance in our blood that can clog arteries, but the majority of people’s cholesterol is NOT affected by dietary cholesterol. What’s more, eggs actually raise our GOOD cholesterol (the HDL) and rarely alter our LDL (the BAD one). So, consult with your doctor if you are concerned but chances are, the YOLK can be an incredible asset in your diet.
“EGGSTATIC… how should I buy them?”
You can raise your own chickens which is not so Eggcentric anymore (I’ll stop with my YOLKS) OR, learn:
Organic: Not given any hormones or antibiotics
Cage Free and Free Range: “Cage Free” just simply means that they are not raised in cages and are most likely just all crammed on top of each other indoors. Moreover, and not necessarily much better, if the hens have ANY small access to outside, they are considered “Free Range”
Pasture Raised: Raised openly, majorly outside, eating natural vegetarian food and typically happier hens
SO, best thing to do is find Organic, Pasture Raised, Grass Fed/Grass FINISHED
PS- the color of the shell has nothing to do with the eggs nutritional value- brown isn’t always better! Different Hens just have different colored eggs…
Bottom Line is just pay attention to how the Hens were raised and what they were fed and that will determine the nutritious value of your eggs!
Now, just don’t go scrambling those eggs in hydrogenated oils!