Unfortunately, many doctors will tell patients just to take any prenatal supplement that they can tolerate.  This is not good advice!  There are enormous differences in quality amongst prenatal vitamins and it starts with a huge misnomer regarding Folic Acid.  Here’s the truth: if your prenatal contains Folic Acid, it is time to swap it out.  You need FOLATE, specifically Methylfolate.

It all links back to Vitamin B9.  Having low B9 during pregnancy is linked to birth abnormalities, neural tube defects and higher risk level for heart disease, strokes and cancer.  We can get this vitamin from a lot of leafy greens, avocados or lentils, but most women do not get enough.  Hence, the prenatal.

Folate is the natural form of B9.  Folic Acid is a synthetic version of Folate.  Sometimes a synthetic will cut it (like in an area rug) but in this case it can actually be harmful.  Both Folic Acid and Folate need to go through a process called methylation in order to be used in the bloodstream.  Folate has a much easier time with this process and converts easily.  Folic Acid’s issues are two fold.  It can actually block the methylation process when too much is absorbed and overdoing it is easy since Folic Acid is also used as an additive to a lot of foods (breads, pastas, cereals, rices, etc.).  Furthermore, a lot of women (studies show more than 1 in 3!) have a gene variant (myself included) that disrupt the process of methylation so that they will not convert Folic Acid efficiently.  Ultimately, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is opt a ready to use, already methylated version of Folate, called Methylfolate or 5MTHF.

Moreover, pregnant or not, take a look in your pantry and if you have foods that are enriched with Folic Acid, it’s time to level up.  Get your Folate from natural sources like dark leafy greens!


I like this Prenatal by Ritual a lot: