16 Jun Heyyy Smoke Shows
Smokin’ News Flash!
Oil is a product that can leave you really confused and guessing at the supermarket. HCTS is here to help and I’m going to break down the science to make it simple.
You need balance of Omega 6s & Omega 3s. Too many Omega 6s drive up inflammation levels & insulin so they point blankly, make us fatter. Oils that are high in Omega 6s that I really want you to keep in moderation include Canola, Safflower, Corn & Grapeseed.
Better ratio oils include: Avocado, Coconut, MCT, Ghee (clarified butter) or Organic Grass Fed Butter. These will help balance your gut bacteria as well as your blood sugar levels & HELP burn fat.
Olive Oil is also great for the flavor, protective flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants and vitamin E (just watch the temperature you cook it at because it’s smoke point is around 375 degrees). Avocado Oil has all of these benefits plus more and can be cooked at a higher temp (500 degrees) so that’s my favorite (especially for grilling!).
Check your labels:
* Cold Pressed/Extra Virgin: Seeds are not pre cooked so they yield more nutrients
* Unrefined: Cold Pressed but NOT FOR COOKING
* Refined: Filtered, Deodorized & Neutralized so you can cook with them