Magic Spoon

Magic Spoon

I gave up cereal many moons ago because it wrecked havoc on my stomach and honestly I was such an enormous cereal lover that I overate it way too many times (which was likely part of the stomach issues).

Fast forward and my kids are now begging for every sugary cereal on the market.  I don’t want to strip them of happy mornings but I also definitely do not want them starting out their day with a bowl of straight up sugar.  Enter Magic Spoon Cereal.

Here’s what I don’t loveee:

  • They are pricey
  • There isn’t a lot in each box- my kids took down the fruity cereal in less than a day
  • Protein source is Whey and I’m not a huge fan of dairy for my clients


Here’s what I LOVE  that outway the above:

  • They taste great
  • They are family friendly (MUCH better for our kids teeth and overall wellbeing)
  • They are Grain-Free
  • They are Sugar-Free
  • Amazing dessert option
  • They are without any Artificial Sweeteners
  • They are protein packed

*Check out our IG feed to see my girls’ true food review on each flavor!