

HCTS Shine

You know when you are out and see that girl across the room and she just has that glow?  You are like, “ok, what is she doing?!”.  It’s your turn to shine, Beautiful!


For as long as I can honestly remember, I have been very conscious of what I am putting IN my body and I’m the first to admit that for any many years it was for purely vanity’s sake.  I felt the same about my products.  I didn’t care what I was using as long as they made my skin and hair look good.   I now have a much healthier outlook and objective and I’ve learned that eating clean is only one part of our responsibility to ourselves.  We REALLY need to be conscious of what is being absorbed into our body thru our biggest organ…our SKIN! Did you know that studies have proven that about 64% of contaminants in products are absorbed into our bodies- and that # is even higher on our faces and underarms.  So please…Start looking at your labels for you and your kids.  Most mainstream products are full of chemicals, irritants and carcinogenic chemicals.  You are eating as clean as you can so don’t do yourself this injustice by polluting your body otherwise.  Try to look for organic and natural products.  Start with one product at a time.  Here are some links to my favorites!
