11 Jul Take It All Off
Alright ladies, you know the golden rule of skincare. Never, ever, fall asleep with your makeup on. Ok, well maybe never say never. Sometimes those super late nights may be worth it (wink, wink) but definitely don’t make a habit of it! Leaving your makeup on will mix with the dirt and pollutants from your day then marinate with your skins oils to create an unfortunate scene of blackheads and clogged pores. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just wipe away your foundation either. Eyeshadow can clog the hair follicles on your lids and cause an infectious, painful stye! Also, your lashes will most definitely dry out and can lead to breakage. SO, hopefully this is enough to hone in this ultimate lesson.
When looking for a great make-up remover, beware of unnecessary added fragrance.
Link below to my favorite clean wipe and liquid remover.
So, go out, have fun and then take it ALL off!