To Tone or Not?

To Tone or Not?

I mean YES, definitely tone.  Tone up your thighs and your abs but your face?  It’s questionable.  Here’s the deal with toners…they can be a lovely source of added nutrients for your face but if you are buying a simple product and it’s pretty and smells great, chances are you should skip this step.  For years I bought into luxury make-up’s toners.  Then I got smart.

If you are using a good make up remover and cleanser, your face should be clean.  However, even I have had those evenings when I’ve worn more makeup than usual and felt like I needed an extra step to ensure a clean face before bed.  On those nights, I use Garnier’s Micellar Water after removing my make-up just to ensure everything is off.

The toner I highly recommend and use is Indie Lee’s CoQ10 and Hyaluronic Acid Spray.  I love this spritz because it provides me CoQ10, an enzyme I am not getting from my other products.  CoQ10 helps prevent signs of aging by reducing the appearance of lines and promoting collagen production.  It also has Hyaluronic Acid which is a huge bonus for hydration.

Bottom line is that if you are getting all of the nutrients that you want out of your serums and creams, you may be able to skip the toner.  Otherwise, this one provides awesome benefits and is a clean product that you can add in to your regimen at an affordable cost.