15 Jun What is an Integrative Nutritionist?
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What is an Integrative Nutritionist?
If you are seeking help for yourself or daughter, chances are you’ve been considering reaching out to everyone from your family Internist to a Functional MD, Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, Therapist or Personal Trainer. It can be extremely overwhelming. I’m here to clear up any confusion and if you still have questions about what Here Comes the Sun is all about, please feel free to email me!
Standard traditional Western medicine typically treats an ailment or illness with pharmaceutical drugs. Registered Dietitians are not doctors, yet they play a very significant role in the medical field. They are trained to support doctors’ treatment plans with providing specific food requirements depending on the patient’s condition. Nutritionists, on the other hand are usually not as medical based and do not require as much education for the title. RD’s may also diagnose a patient with something such as an eating disorder. A Nutritionist, on the other hand, can offer support and referrals, but is not technically qualified to make a legit diagnosis.
Functional Medicine is a component of Western Medicine that is growing outrageously fast. Doctors can become Certified Functional Medical Practitioners with additional education. The Dr. is no longer only treating conditions, but more importantly the root of what caused them. They are more likely to incorporate holistic and natural approaches to treatments and find value in using food, supplements and herbs in conjunction with standard drugs. Moreover, Holistic (Natural) or “Integrative” Nutritionists provide support in this particular field of wellness. At Here Comes the Sun, I treat the WHOLE person. I focus on all aspects of happiness and find the core reason why someone may not be feeling their greatest. By treating the mind, body and lifestyle, Integrative Nutritionists will coach clients to find optima health with personalized holistic measures.
Much like therapists, Integrative Nutritionists will talk through all aspects of life and then create the perfect nutrition and lifestyle protocol for their clients. Personal Trainers could be an awesome asset in conjunction with an RD or Nutritionist, but they focus solely on the exercise component of treatment.
I hope this clears up all misleading information out there. Ultimately, my goal is to make you FEEL good in all aspects of your life so that you are truly happy from the moment you wake until you fall asleep…Every. Day. SUNRISE to SUNSET.
Amy Conrad, Founder